Question: What is a good acupressure point for a hangovers or migraines?
Answer: Gall Bladder Acupoint Number 8!
Interesting information
Physical Use: Hangovers & migraines
Mental/Spiritual Use: Helps accomplish high pressure decision making
Point Name Translation: Bird Catcher’s Valley
Gall Bladder Acupoint #8 is a fabulous point for treating hangovers and migraines. That being said, it can do even more.
Acupoint names always reflect deeper meaning. Most acupoints can multiple issues. Acupoints referencing “birds” always mean the point supports your spirit in an important way. For example the Chinese character for “valley” in Gall Bladder 8’s name refers to a military term for an area in which there can be no advance or retreat for whomever is down in the valley. It allows the military to destroy a dangerous enemy. “Slaying” a stressful decision which is causing you spiritual distress is a welcome bonus.
Modern day use: Perfect for strengthening your resolve when you need to make a tough decision.
Location: In the hairline, approximately ½ inch above the highest point of your ear. Can be tender to touch.

Gall Bladder 8 Acupoint is useful for treating hangovers, migraines and even challenges with important decision making.
You can massage Gall Bladder 8 or have an acupuncture session to activate it.
Your point-for-the-day, brought to you by
Karen Reynolds Acupuncture