As a Licensed Acupuncturist, Registered Nurse and herbalist, Karen’s clients benefit from her clinical background, which is a wealth of 30 years of conventional medicine joined with 19 years private practice within the realms of acupuncture: including Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), as well as Daoist philosophy inspired 5 Element Acupuncture. It is important to note that Daoist philosophy is not religious. It is the ancient world view from which acupuncture developed and was the impetus which birthed what is popularly known as “5 Element Acupuncture”.
Most acupuncturists are not trained in both TCM and 5 Element styles. The gift of 5 Element training in addition to TCM expertise allows Karen to understand and address the authentic nature of each person.
This creates the most comfortable environment, allows for the best selections of acu-points during sessions, and ultimately provides her clients with a sense of being heard, understood, valued and empowered toward optimal health in body, mind and spirit. 5 Element constitutional medicine is also powerful for supporting patients with chronic illnesses such as Lyme disease, autoimmune diseases, or patients going through chemotherapy or radiation treatments for cancers.
Having been trained to closely monitor physical patterns in the body, she is expert in examination and assessment. Being an avid reader, she has an always-active pursuit of the most up-to-date medical knowledge. Karen has completed numerous post-graduate studies including an extended fertility internship working with the venerated master acupuncturist, Dr. Miki Shima, OMD. That experience honed her specialties in fertility, women’s health, and additionally the management of perimenopause and menopausal symptoms.
More recent studies include completion of a post-graduate 2-year program in 5 Element constitutional medicine and studies of the classics of Chinese medicine with internationally respected master acupuncturist, Niki Bilton.