Some information about insurance coverage for acupuncture
Acupuncture is now recognized worldwide. It provides supportive care for conventional medicine diagnoses, it enhances conventional medicine treatments and recovery times, it is cost effective, and people desire it. Those are some of the many reasons why many insurance policies now include coverage for acupuncture.
This information will give you some basic information about the types of insurance billing, which I provide or do not provide based upon your policy coverage. I do use a professional biller who takes care of claims submission in most cases so that your office and care experience is tranquil and easy.
Insurance coverage for acupuncture is driven by your policy’s specifics. There are many variables even among policies offered by the same carrier.
My professional biller will verify your acupuncture insurance benefits at no cost to you.
The information needed for this verification includes:
- Policy number
- Group number
- Patient date of birth
- Patient address associated with the policy
- Patient phone number associated with the policy
- Name of patient in whose name the policy is
- Claims mailing address
- Carrier’s phone number for providers
As an option to make it easiest for you, you may scan and fax an image of your insurance card (front and back) or scan and e-mail me the front and back of your insurance card. Both fax and e-mail are confidential. The turn around time for verification is typically 24-48 hours if initiated Monday through Friday during business hours.
Fax number: 415.737.0371
Not all policies cover acupuncture but more and more carriers are offering it as a covered benefit. I am most happy to help my patients make use of their coverage in an easy and efficient way. Should you have a policy which contributes only a maximum of $25-30 per acupuncture session, I will generate what is called a Superbill for you at each time service. This is forwarded by you to your carrier so that you can be reimbursed directly, which ultimately lowers your out of pocket cost.
Please reach out to us if you have any questions about whether your insurance will cover your acupuncture sessions.